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Ivana Müller - HORS-CHAMP


Ivana Müller



Ivana Müller in collaboration with Julien Lacroix and
Anne Lenglet


Matthieu Bajolet ,

Gerco de Vroeg,

Suzanne Veiga Gomes

thanks to

Nicolas Boehm,
Frédéric Mazelly


to be discussed


Originally created in French;

costs of translation to other languages are to be borne by organizer



touring party

3 pax

freight yes, details tba

FR / Hors-Champ prend place dans « une colonie » constituée d’une dizaine de tentes semblables à celles que nous avons l’habitude de voir dans les campings ou autour des lacs à la belle saison, ou que l’on retrouve dans les grandes villes, sous les ponts ou le long des canaux, cachées des regards. Dans chacune d’entre elles, une conversation inspirée de l’univers végétal vous attend. Dans l’intimité de la toile, à deux, vous lisez un dialogue et « écrivez » ce qui va se passer dans ce laps de temps passé ensemble. Vous enracinerez-vous dans une « Conversation autour des racines et de la résistance » ou deviendrez-vous invisibles lors de la « Conversation en voie de disparition » ? Chaque tente offre un micro-univers et engage dans une nouvelle rencontre pour questionner notre relation à la nature et aux autres, ainsi que l’idée d’intimité et de survie, dans un espace qui protège et découvre à la fois.

EN / The performative installation HORS-CHAMP proposes a poly-sensorial and interactive immersion of the spectator in a colony of camping tents, of which the number varies depending on the size and nature of the space as well as the context of the event. Currently created for a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 15 tents, and only existing in its pilot version of May 2017, the performance will be further developed during the season '17/'18.

Inspired by the metaphors and expressions stemming from the world of plants and gardens, that curiously enough have become very performative in current socio-political contexts, Ivana spent a two-weeks residency at the 'Jardin passsager' of the Parc de la Villette in Paris, where she shared ideas about polysemic words as 'culture', 'implant', 'colonize', 'roots', 'resistance' etc., with the gardener of the parc, Nicolas Boehm. Their exchanges have resulted in a series of scripted conversations, that during the performance are being proposed to the visitors as to be shared by two complete strangers in a tent.

It's simple: two visitors / spectators, that don't know each other, enter a small two-persons tent. It's the kind of tents that one can see in the summer along lakes and coasts, on campsites and in the mountains, but that have also become a very familiar sight in our contemporary urban landscapes. Upon entering the tent one finds two copies of a scripted conversation. The couple gets settled and starts to read, out loud, as indicated in the text. But, even though there's a script, those two people, and only them,  can directly influence what's happening inside the tent during the next few minutes. And what happens in that tent, stays in that tent...

Every tent bears the title of its conversation. Like for instance...:

# a conversation threatened with extinction...

# a conversation between the domestic and the exotic...

# a conversation hesitating on the vertu of togetherness...

# a conversation on cultures...

# a conversation whispered, on the survival of nature, survival in nature, the nature of survival...

# a conversation in the middle of a field...

# a conversation on roots and resistance...

# a conversation under influence...

# a conversation implanted...

Every conversation has its own specifics, its inherent dramaturgy, its props, its atmosphere. During the event, the participants circulate from tent to tent, and change 'partner' every time they enter a new one, and start a new conversation. Together they'll discover and create the short space-times that question our relationship with nature and humans, the notions of knowledge, of intimacy, the idea of survival and leisure, as well as the part of desire for the other while in a confined space that protects and uncovers us.

The duration of each conversation depends on the readers and on their decision to stay within the script or go beyond, but generally speaking it will be between 7 and 15 minutes per tent. Meaning that all along the event, the participants can chose the number of tents they want to visit, corresponding to their 'internal dramaturgy': for some that might be 10 or more, for others 4 or 5, etc.

In order to maintain a fluid circulation between entrances and exits, and to clean and 'reset' every tent in between, 2 or 3 members of the company (depending on size and nature of the event) will need to be present.

The installation can be set up outdoors (a park, a garden or any other public space) or indoors, inside a 'place of representation', such as a theatre, a gallery, a museum... Such an indoors situation will more clearly accentuate the relation between culture and nature, between leisure and survival.

production I’M COMPANY (Matthieu Bajolet & Gerco de Vroeg) coproduction Ménagerie de verre, as part of the 2017 residency (Paris, FR), La Villette (Paris, FR) with the support of Direction régionale des affaires culturelles (DRAC) d’Ile-de-France - Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication au titre de l’aide à la création.

HR photos (password)


31 May 2019

Triennale Teatro dell'Arte, Milan (IT)

30 May 2019

Triennale Teatro dell'Arte, Milan (IT)

13 October 2018

Nuit de la danse, L'Échangeur, CDCN, Château-Thierry (FR)

23 September 2018

Plastique Danse Flore / Le Potager du Roi, Versailles (FR)

22 September 2018

Plastique Danse Flore / Le Potager du Roi, Versailles (FR)

16 September 2018

La Maladrerie Saint-Lazare / Journées du patrimoine, Beauvais (FR)

10 June 2018

Festival Latitudes contemporaines / La Condition publique, Roubaix (FR)

9 June 2018

Festival Latitudes contemporaines / La Condition publique, Roubaix (FR)

8 June 2018

Festival Latitudes contemporaines / La Condition publique, Roubaix (FR)

3 June 2018

La Villette, Jardins en folies, Paris (FR)

2 June 2018

La Villette, Jardins en folies, Paris (FR)

29 March 2018

Festival 360° / La Passerelle, Scène nationale, Saint-Brieuc (FR)

28 March 2018

Festival 360° / La Passerelle, Scène nationale, Saint-Brieuc (FR)

20 May 2017

Carte Blanche / Ménagerie de verre, Paris (FR)


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